Radio Show with Dr Darke
Originally broadcast on  Wolverhampton City  Radio (WCR FM) 2007-2010

Marcus Asbury  Healthy Life-Style and Fitness Project Flourish To Be You (F2BU);

Lindon Barrington campaigner to Save Learning Disability Service in Sweetman Street

Dr Ivan Burgesss Applied Psychologist talking about Healthy Life style project with people with Learning Disabilities.

Mickey Bushell Paralympian Wheelchair Racer

Steph Cutler talking about sight loss. Making Lemonade founder facilitating diversity and inclusion in the work place

Father Patrick Daly talks Disability

Ray Gormley Sandwell sight impairment group

Inclusive Participation Marcus and Michele

MacIntrye Charity talks about supporting Learning Disabled people in Wolverhampton

Beccy Marston CTC Community Cycling Development Officer - Cycling For All project

Ken McClimate Empower

Pete Millington Disability West Midlands

Shop Mobility Wolverhampton = Velma Finney -

Our Say Learning Disability Group Advocacy Group raise their concerns about the changes at Albert Rd, Day Centre, Wolverhampton.

Rempoly Melanie Dovey

Kathy Roper and Joy Dale -commissioning Learning Disability services

One   Voice - Karen Ryder & Ian Joyce. Disabled people supporting Disabled people

Greg Silvester -Special Olympics and Theatre Group 

Helen Steatham - Bantock House Museum

Wolverhampton Direct Payments Support group