Flourish To Be You 
Disabled people fittness and well-being




Inclusive Participation

Flourish to be you


swim.jpgA photographic Journey of Paralympic London 2012
a publication by Paul Darke
 thanks to funders Art Council England

All Swim in the River of Life and Lean Towards Salvation

Flourish To Be You

Flourish To Be You healthy lifestyle project working with Disabled people, through regular gym sessions, Walk For Health, cycling and table tennis etc , with taster sessions of archery, indoor bowls, short tennis, climbing, and other sports and activities.



Participants had to opportunity to develop their skills and become walk leaders with Walk For Health. Our project included development of personal skills, support, and confidence building. 

Access radio interviews here: 

Marcus Asbury:  Healthy Life-Style and Fitness Project Flourish To Be You (F2BU);


Dr Ivan Burgesss: Applied Psychologist talking about Healthy Life style project with people with Learning Disabilities.


Steph Cutler: talking about sight loss. Making Lemonade founder facilitating diversity and inclusion in the workplace


Inclusive Participation: Marcus and Michele

Beccy Marston CTC Community Cycling Development Officer - Cycling For All project.



The project culminated with participants riding in the cycle event in the Wolverhampton Marathon.

Working with partners: Wolverhmapton Council, Blakenhall Comminity and Healthy Living Centre, Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust,  Wolverhampton Cycle Development, Walk for Health, Steph Cutler and Making Lemonade. Health Desire, Wolves Community Trust.